New Year, New Goals

The last two years have been full of new adventures for me.  I quit a job I had planned to have for several more years, I started a new job in a completely unexpected industry, I met the man who would become husband, I traveled to unexpected places, and I got married which I never thought I’d actually do.  The times of change for me didn’t just stop after our wedding in August though.  In the fall of 2017 we got a new puppy and I quit that unexpected job.

Since quitting my job in October, I’ve really been able to think about what it is that I actually want to do.  Since graduating high school all of my jobs have just been things to do to fill the time and earn some money, but none of them really fit me.  Over the last few months I’ve been able to focus on myself and my passions rather than just find a job because I needed to have one.  Brad supported me and encouraged me to do that and I will forever be grateful to him for giving me that chance.

So what is it that I want to do?

I want to finish grad school and obtain my masters degree.  As of now, I have one class left to take and then just my thesis/capstone.  I anticipate graduating in December.

Then what?

I want to write.  I want to be a published author and in the next few months I hope to narrow down exactly what that means to me.

Starting this blog somewhat goes into that idea of writing.  It forces me to write quite often.  And with an audience to hold me accountable.

As far as the blog goes, we’ll see where it takes me.  Right now I’m planning on this being a food blog with random tidbits mixed in.  I used to be a decent photographer and with my new abundance of time I’d like to start exploring that again; when I capture something interesting with my camera I’ll post it.  I also love crafting so if I complete a fun project I may post that as well.

As far as food goes, I have several food goals for this new year.  I will learn how to make macaroons; I’ve attempted it a few times and it hasn’t gone well.  I will become more patient and actually frost and decorate sugar cookies; it always seems like a good idea to make them but by the time the cookies are done baking I’m usually over it.  I will learn how to grill; I’m terrified of fire so grills typically freak me out but I will face that fear this year and learn how to grill.  I will make homemade dog cookies; because I love my dogs and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t get something homemade and special as well.  And I will share my food and baked goods with friends and family and hope that it will bring them happiness and full and happy bellies.

So…to my new readers, do you have any goals for this year?

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Mary Jane: